Tag: raw

Raw Vegan Doughnut Holes

Raw Vegan Doughnut Holes

🕳🐇  Delicious date sweetened dough filled with @naturalseamoss cashew cream. Styled in my beautiful Coconut Bowl. Get 10% off your order with code ALINA10 (link below) https://www.coconutbowls.com/collections/bundles?gclid=CjwKCAjw9MuCBhBUEiwAbDZ-7quDwMS10Mj1FW-m5cOoRsERSA6lXjE0P6V_WPRjDV3sdXxsR-dWihoCcJUQAvD_BwE . @naturalseamoss sea moss gel is hand-made from wildcrafted Irish sea moss and natural spring water.  It helps…